Exciting Changes to MMTA’s Music Connect Program

MMTA’s Music Connect Program grants FULL SCHOLARSHIPS for music study to students of MMTA Members.  These grants can help your student(s) bridge a period of financial difficulty, or help you accept a student who would not otherwise be able to study with you.

Your MMTA Board has just voted on the following improvements to the program, incentives to encourage every member, and soon, teachers who have never been MMTA/MTNA members, to join and apply for tuition reimbursement.

1. We have raised the Teacher Reimbursement rate to $60.00 an hour, effective immediately on all newly accepted applications!

2. We are promoting MMTA’s Music Connect Program and MMTA/MTNA Membership by reimbursing a NEWLY joining teacher’s annual dues, both MMTA/MTNA for a full dues year, starting with applications filed from July 1, 2023 forward, until further notice.

Please spread the word to MMTA members, likewise to colleagues who are not currently members.  This program is like none other!  For more information and applications: Music Connect Program

Alison Barr, MMTA’s Music Connect Chair musicconnectprogram@mmta.net


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